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Spirituality and Suicide

Mon, Oct 16



Join us for this timely session, led by Gemma Andrews who is the suicide prevention lead for Essex County Council and the founder of the Southend Essex and Thurrock Suicide Prevention Partnership

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Spirituality and Suicide
Spirituality and Suicide

Time & Location

Oct 16, 2023, 6:45 PM – 8:00 PM



About The Event

Tenth September, marks world suicide day. Every year, organisations and communities around the world come together to raise awareness of how we can create a world where fewer people die by suicide. The latest suicides statistics showed that in 2018, in the UK and Republic of Ireland, more than 6,800 people died by suicide (Samaritans, 2023). Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy.

Suicide is preventable 

We have therefore invited Gemma Andrews, who is the suicide prevention lead for Essex County Council and the founder of the Southend Essex and Thurrock Suicide Prevention Partnership, to deliver a webinar session on 'Spirituality and Suicide'. It is a timely message and should be attended by all. 

The event is free of charge.

Please click on the link to register your interest in attending the online event.

The Zoom log-in details will then be forwarded to all those wishing to join the event a couple of days before the event.

The waiting room will be open from 6:45 pm and then the event will start at 7:00 pm prompt. 

The event will end at 8:00 pm. 

There will be time for questions and reflections.

We look forward to seeing you at the event.

Gemma Andrews Biography

As a member of the Southend Essex and Thurrock Suicide Prevention Partnership Board, Gemma works with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and an array of valued partners to deliver expertise and translate it into strategic suicide prevention activity across Southend Essex and Thurrock.  Outside of Essex, she works directly with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, NHS England and the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health (NCISH) to ensure that we have the most comprehensive understanding around historical and emergent drivers for suicide impacting our communities, the impact of loss by suicide on communities and what we can do, together, to make a difference moving forwards.

SET SP Partnership board also oversees a portfolio of partner-led delivery projects. Some examples of current projects in her portfolio include: Suicide Profiles Research Study with the Coroners Service, Real Time Suspected Suicide Surveillance Data Project with Essex Police, Suicide Bereavement service mobilisation with Essex Wellbeing Service, Amparo, Victim Support and Chums, Depression care pathway for newly diagnosed patients in primary care (GP), Community fund grassroot suicide prevention projects, Adults self-harm management toolkit for health and allied health professionals, Self-harm in older adults project and Suicide Cluster protocol (development and implementation of policy to respond to suicide clusters in Essex).

Gemma also works on public mental health for Essex, with the aim of building an understand the wider mental health picture, from low level unmet MH need in our communities, to acute care for patients in crisis, and identifying opportunities to work on public mental health prevention activity.


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